News & Events2023-01-02T12:30:51+00:00

Time zero signal!

Signal pump-probe detection from our EUV microscope via sum-frequency generation. This three-wave mixing process which occurs on a non-linear crystal when two high-intensity photon beams overlap within a few millionths of meters in space and a few millionths of billionths of seconds in time.


LUXEM Lab Tour for INFN’s project LAB2GO

LUXEM participates to INFN’s project LAB2GO with a Lab Showcase. LAB2GO aims to support High Schools towards the improvement of their laboratory facilities, as well as to promote UNIPV Physics Department and ongoing research activities therein.


UniPaviaExperience Lab Tour

LUXEM opens its facility to showcase laboratory & research to High School students with practical demonstrations. A wonderful opportunity to disseminate our research to young prospective students in Physics and Photonics.


Nicola Giani speaker at CLEO 2024

Nicola Giani presented LUXEM research in two talks on EUV ultrafast and Deep Learning for Ptychography at CLEO 2024, one of the top International Conferences in Optics, Lasers and Photonics, this year in Charlotte, North Carolina (USA).


Dr. Simone Restelli invited speaker at ECONOS2024

Simone Restelli talk “Ultrafast Dynamics of the Multi-Centre Spinel Co3O4 ” at ECONOS 2024 – European Conference On Non-Linear Optical Spectroscopy 2024 (Wien, A). LUXEM thanks the organizing committee for this wonderful opportunity!


International Women in Science Day

On March 8th, 2024, Prof. Mancini was a panelist at the conference “Fix the leaky pipeline: experiences of women in science” sponsored by Fondazione Cariplo’s NanoFast project. A great opportunity to reflect about the meaning of scientific method, STEM research, gender equality.

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HILAS 2024 – The Optica High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress

Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini committee member and chair of the session “Novel Schemes for Ultrashort Pulses – HTu3B” at the “High-Intensity Lasers and High- Field Phenomena” (HILAS2024). Congratulations to Dr. Carmelo Grova for his presentation of “A Compact Beamline for High-Throughput, Multiscale, Ultrafast Extreme Ultraviolet Ptychography”!

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Mildred Dresselhaus 10 Year Jubilee 2024

Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini, awardee of the Junior Prize 2020 entitled to Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus, joins the pool of awardees at CUI Hamburg for the 10 year Jubilee and presents a hybrid talk entitled: “Multiscale Ultrafast Microscopy across X-ray tabletop and facility-scale sources & Imposter Syndrome”.

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Professor Mancini invited speaker to the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik – Heidelberg

Professor Giulia Fulvia Mancini has been invited by Dr. Laura Cattaneo as speaker within the Bothe Colloquium series at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics – Pfeiffer division. A wonderful opportunity to discuss common collaborative research projects with the partners of the Ultrafast Liquid Crystal Dynamics(ULCD) group.


LUXEM research on the Italian National Newspaper “Il Sole24Ore”

LUXEM projects ERC StG ULTRAIMAGE and ERC PoC HYPER highlighted in the Italian newspaper “Il Sole24Ore”. In the article appeared on Wednesday 20th December 2023, on “Il Sole24Ore”, Prof. Mancini explains relevance and breakthrough impact of the 2 ERC projects @LUXEM. ERC StG ULTRAIMAGE aims to unravel the rapid processes occurring in functional nanomaterials relevant to optoelectronics, photovoltaics, and biomedical devices, when hit by short light pulses. ERC PoC HYPER expands the innovative technology for ultrafast microscopy across length scales, implemented within ULTRAIMAGE, and makes it accessible to the public.

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Professor Mancini invited speaker at EMLEM23 (CY)

Professor Giulia Fulvia Mancini presented recent findings on “Charge, lattice and spin interplay in the ultrafast response of photoexcited spinel Co304” as invited speaker at NanoGe International Conference on Emerging Light Emitting Materials (EMLEM23).

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KMLabs and LUXEM collaboration in HHG imaging

Delighted to have hosted Dr. Liam Weiner from KMLabs at LUXEM, an excellent opportunity to develop and improve new ideas with our R&I collaborators.


LUXEM key player of the COST Action CA22148 “NEXT”

The Action CA22148 NEXT: “An international network for Non-linear Extreme Ultraviolet to hard X-ray techniques” is awarded funded by COST – European Cooperation in Science & Technology. This international consortium is aimed to create the first concerted experimental and theoretical effort aimed at implementing EUV/X-ray non-linear spectroscopy at tabletop HHG and XFEL sources. Prof. Mancini was elected Vice-Chair of this Action.

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LUXEM stand “Lasers, diffraction & images” at the European Researchers Night

Scientific dissemination event organized by INFN at the Castello Visconteo in Pavia, it fostered communication with the public, encouraging discovery, discussions, and experiments. A fantastic way to promote and involve young people in the world of research!


AXIS Photonique Inc. visit at LUXEM

Dr. Christian-Y. Côté visits LUXEM to exchange ideas with the LUXEM Team in the framework of the ERC-StG ULTRAIMAGE and PoC HYPER projects.


Invited Talk at Attochem 2023

Prof. Mancini presents “Multi-purpose Ultrafast Microscopy with a Compact High-Harmonic Source” at the 4th AttoChem Annual Meeting.

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Invited Talk at ISWAMP 2023

Prof. Mancini presents “Multi-purpose Ultrafast Microscopy with a Compact High-Harmonic Source” at the 7th International Symposium on Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes.

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PRIN grant Awarded to LUXEM

Joint project DynaMAT “Ultrafast dynamics in next generation sustainable martials” between LUXEM (UNIPV) and Femtoscopy (La Sapienza) received funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research


ERC Proof of Concept grant awarded to LUXEM

Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini project HYPER received funding from the European Research Council to expand impact and purpose of the ERC StG project ULTRAIMAGE.


Advanced Course on Soft-Skills

The Doctoral School in Physics at UNIPV organized a professional development course on soft-skills, aimed to strengthen the PhD candidates in physics capabilities in CV and motivation letter drafting, scientific articles & grant writing. Lecturers: Giulia Fulvia Mancini and Giacomo Prando.


Successful beamtime at EXFEL FXE – LUXEM Team

LUXEM Team work for Beamtime 3279: “Mapping the excitation-specific electron, spin and lattice dynamics in Spinel Co3O4 thin film with femtosecond non-resonant emission spectroscopy and diffraction” at FXE, European Free Electron Laser in Hamburg.


European XFEL Science Seminar

Professor Giulia Fulvia Mancini is invited to present the talk “Mapping the multi-centre ultrafast response in photoexcited Spinel Co3O4” at the European Free-Electron laser.


Dr. Oliviero cannelli wins the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship

Dr. Cannelli MSCA project METRICS is awarded funding from the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 Action. This fellowship fosters cross-disciplinary high-impact research through a collaborative project across CFEL-ATTO group (Germany), FERMI (Italy) and Class 5 (Germany). The work will focus on the development and application of advanced X-ray spectroscopic techniques for the study of molecular clusters in metalloproteins. Congratulations Oliviero!

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Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini elected member of the User Organization Executive Committee of EXFEL

Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini has been elected member of the User Organization Executive Committee of the European Free Electron Laser (EXFEL). The purpose of the Committee is to provide an organized framework for discussion between users and the EXFEL board, in particular to provide feedback to management in order to improve conditions for users running experiments and to help broaden the user community. The Executive Board of the European XFEL User Organization is composed of 6 members, with one representative from each of the EXFEL tool user communities (FXE, SPB/SFX, MID, HED, SCS and SQS) and serves for a term of 3 years.

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LUXEM joins BT20220390 at CSAXS, PSI

Mr. Carmelo Grova and Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini join as guests Prof. J. Rouxel’s beamtime on helical dichroism at the CSAXS beamline, Paul Scherrer Institut.


Prof. Mancini is awarded the grant PiXiE – FARE from the MUR funding agency

The project PiXiE aims to combine correlative ultrafast X-ray and cryo-electron microscopy to tailor intra- and inter-structural interactions in hybrid nanoparticle superlattices.

The project will be deployed at LUXEM, University of Pavia, and it shall last 60 months.


Prof. Mancini at National Sharper Championship 2022/23

Prof. Mancini participates in Sumo Science – an opportunity for the world of research and the world of school to meet, which develops through a challenge in 5 rounds of questions and answers: on the dohyō, led by a moderator, two researchers or researchers working in different research fields.

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Dr. Charles Bevis and Dr. Oliviero Cannelli at International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2022

Dr. Charles Bevis and Dr. Oliviero Cannelli contribute to UP2022 with the talk “Decoupled Structural Responses upon Light and Thermal Functional Activation in CsPbBr3 Perovskites” and the posters “Multi-wavelength Ultrafast Ptychography: A Flexible Beamline with a Compact High Harmonic Source” and “Visualization of the Multi-Center Ultrafast Response in Photoexcited Spinel Co3O4”

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ICO/IUPAP Prize Award Ceremony

Prof. Giulia Mancini receives the ICO/IUPAP Young Scientist Medal in Optics from Prof. Dr. Humberto Michinel, Secretary of the International Commission for Optics, at the 5th International Conference on Application of Optics and Photonics, PT.

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Carmelo Grova at UXSS2022

Carmelo Grova attends the Ultrafast X-Ray Summer School 2022 at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Menlo Park, California, USA
presenting the poster “Element Sensitive Probing of Photoinduced Polaronic Distortions in Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskites”

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Prof. Daniel Adams and Mr. Jonathan Barolak from the Colorado School of Mines at LUXEM

Prof. Daniel Adams and Mr. Jonathan Barolak perform collaborative research at LUXEM in Pavia for 2 weeks. During their stay, Prof. Daniel Adams gives the lecture “Advanced Computational Metrologies: Measuring the Shape of Ultrashort Pulses of Light”


MUST 2022

Prof. Giulia Mancini invited speaker at the International Conference on Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology – MUST 2022, CH.

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SAIS Prize 2022 to Oliviero Cannelli

Dr. Oliviero Cannelli has been awarded the SAIS Prize 2022 for the best PhD thesis in the field of science, technology, engineering and math, for the application of innovative experimental methods for the study of light-matter interaction using ultrafast X-ray pulses. Oliviero received his PhD at EPFL in October 2021 under the supervision of Prof.
Majed Chergui and Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini.

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Ultrafast Laser Physics – Doctoral School in Physics

To address “Hot topics in ultrafast science”, LUXEM organized 3 guest lectures from internationally recognized experts in:

  • Ultrafast Electron Microscopy – Dr. Gianmaria Vanacore, Univerista’ di Milano Bicocca
  • Ultrafast Spectroscopy – Dr. Laura Cattaneo, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik – Heidelberg
  • Ultrafast Science at Free-Electron Lasers and synchrotrons – Dr. Camila Bacellar – SwissFEL, Paul Scherrer Institut

Pantheon Installation @ LUXEM

The Ultrafast Laser system and EUV source is shipped and installed in our Lab in Pavia!


Our Research featured in the Cover Page of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (ACS)

We provide a comprehensive atomic-scale description of the purely thermal response of lead-halide perovskites in a temperature range relevant for realistic applications. Thermal-induced changes are rationalized in terms of displacive phase transitions, which are a consequence of the phonon anharmonicity of the inorganic lattice.

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Prof. Giulia Mancini speaker – Seminars on Modern Physics

The “Incontri di Fisica Moderna” organized by the Physics Department, University of Pavia, are open Bachelor and Master students. Giulia Mancini contributes with a talk entitled: “Ultrafast lasers: new laboratory-scale synchrotrons”.

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Dr. Charles Bevis wins the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship

Dr. Bevis MSCA project DECIPHER is awarded funding from the HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01-01 Action. Fostering excellence in research & innovation, this prestigious recognition from the EU will enable Dr. Bevis to work in a joint collaboration across LUXEM (Italy), LUMES (Switzerland) and DrX Works (The Netherlands) toward advances in ultrafast electron imaging.

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Training at KMLabs – CO, USA

Onsite training on LUXEM’s Pantheon system at KMLabs prior to shipment to Pavia!


LUXEM @ FERMI Free Electron Laser

Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini and Dr. Charles Bevis join a second beamtime in ultrafast imaging science at the DiProI beamline, FERMI.


Optical tables installed in LUXEM Lab @ UniPv

Optical Monolithic Tables are delivered and installed in the Lab while infrastructure upgrades progress to host the new ultrafast laser system!


LUXEM @ FERMI Free Electron Laser

Dr. Charles Bevis, PostDoc at LUXEM, joins the DiProI@FERMI Team for Beamtime in imaging science.


LUXEM Kick-off Meeting

LUXEM welcomes Carmelo Grova, Ph.D. candidate in Physics, with the first official group event.


Congratulations to Dr. Oliviero Cannelli for obtaining his Ph.D. Degree in Physics!

Dr. Oliviero Cannelli has defended his thesis entitled “Photo- and thermally-induced electronic and structural dynamics in perovskites and transition metal oxides” as the result of his research activity at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne with Prof. Majed Chergui (LSU/LACUS) and Prof. Giulia Mancini (now LUXEM, UniPv).


Prof. Mancini invited speaker at the Stati Generali della Ricerca e dell’Innovazione 2021 of Regione Lombardia

The Stati Generali are for Regione Lombardia one of the main moments of confrontation with its stakeholders – Companies, Universities, Technological Clusters, Research Bodies, etc. – on the new frontiers of research and innovation and on regional development strategies on the subject.

Prof. Mancini (UniPv), Prof. Saccomandi (Polimi), and Prof. Bollati (Unimib), as ERC Grant-winning researchers at Lombardy universities, converse with the Councilor for Education, University, Research, Innovation and Simplification, Fabrizio Sala, at the presence of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, Prof. Maria Cristina Messa.

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LSU and LUXEM @ European X-ray Free Electron Laser in Hamburg

Giulia Mancini led a joint experiment at FXE (local contact Frederico Lima) of her own team and Prof. Majed Chergui’s team from EPFL in late August.

At FXE, it was possible to perform simultaneously time-resolved X-ray emission spectroscopy on a spinel Co3o4 27nm thin film, unraveling crucial structural and electronic information about relaxation cascade and clarifying the involvement of Co(II) and Co(III) centers are in the charge carrier dynamics.


Our Research featured in the Cover Page of the Journal of the American Chemical Society (ACS)

Light activation of lead-halide perovskites induces polaronic lattice distortions, here quantified with atomic-level precision. Electron–phonon coupling drives the crystal changes, which are unlocked upon charge-carrier recombination and in the absence of thermal effects. This study clarifies the structure–property relationships in out-of-equilibrium conditions, underpinning the developments of perovskite-based devices. Image credit: Balázs Őrley.

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Dr. Mancini receives the early tenured Associate Professorship from the Italian University Ministry

Given her scientific track-record and in recognition of the recently awarded European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC StG 2019), Dr. Giulia Fulvia Mancini was named Associate Professors in Physics by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).

Prof. Mancini will join the Department of Physics at the University of Pavia, Italy.


Dr. Giulia Fulvia Mancini is awarded the Mildred Dresselhaus Prize 2020 for extraordinary scientists

Dr. Mancini received the prestigious international award “Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Junior Professorship Program 2020” from the Ultrafast Imaging Center (CUI) of Hamburg for “excellent scientific merits”.

Each year, this award is given to a successful Senior Scientist, and to a Junior Scientist with high potential. Based on a selective competition, CUI established the visiting professorship program, to which Mildred Dresselhaus of the MIT Physics Department gave her name. The program provides excellent research conditions to enable the researcher to work at CUI for a period of between 2 and 6 months, and to serve as a role model for young women in the natural sciences. The program also makes it possible to attract internationally renowned researchers to Hamburg and to create new opportunities for cooperation and collaboration.

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