Congratulations to Dr. Oliviero Cannelli for obtaining his Ph.D. Degree in Physics!

Dr. Oliviero Cannelli has defended his thesis entitled "Photo- and thermally-induced electronic and structural dynamics in perovskites and transition metal oxides" as the result of his research activity at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne with Prof. Majed Chergui (LSU/LACUS) and Prof. Giulia Mancini (now LUXEM, UniPv).

Congratulations to Dr. Oliviero Cannelli for obtaining his Ph.D. Degree in Physics!2022-05-01T21:07:36+00:00

Prof. Mancini invited speaker at the Stati Generali della Ricerca e dell’Innovazione 2021 of Regione Lombardia

The Stati Generali are for Regione Lombardia one of the main moments of confrontation with its stakeholders - Companies, Universities, Technological Clusters, Research Bodies, etc. - on the new frontiers of research and innovation and on regional development strategies on the subject. Prof. Mancini (UniPv), Prof. Saccomandi (Polimi), and Prof. Bollati (Unimib), as ERC Grant-winning researchers at Lombardy universities, converse with the Councilor for Education, University, Research, Innovation and Simplification, Fabrizio Sala, at the presence of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, Prof. Maria Cristina Messa. Find out more

Prof. Mancini invited speaker at the Stati Generali della Ricerca e dell’Innovazione 2021 of Regione Lombardia2022-05-01T21:14:13+00:00

LSU and LUXEM @ European X-ray Free Electron Laser in Hamburg

Giulia Mancini led a joint experiment at FXE (local contact Frederico Lima) of her own team and Prof. Majed Chergui’s team from EPFL in late August. At FXE, it was possible to perform simultaneously time-resolved X-ray emission spectroscopy on a spinel Co3o4 27nm thin film, unraveling crucial structural and electronic information about relaxation cascade and clarifying the involvement of Co(II) and Co(III) centers are in the charge carrier dynamics.

LSU and LUXEM @ European X-ray Free Electron Laser in Hamburg2022-05-05T10:23:14+00:00

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Our Research featured in the Cover Page of the Journal of the American Chemical Society (ACS)

Light activation of lead-halide perovskites induces polaronic lattice distortions, here quantified with atomic-level precision. Electron–phonon coupling drives the crystal changes, which are unlocked upon charge-carrier recombination and in the absence of thermal effects. This study clarifies the structure–property relationships in out-of-equilibrium conditions, underpinning the developments of perovskite-based devices. Image credit: Balázs Őrley. Find out more

Our Research featured in the Cover Page of the Journal of the American Chemical Society (ACS)2022-04-29T14:15:33+00:00
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