News & Events2024-11-25T12:53:44+00:00

LUXEM research on the Italian National Newspaper “Il Sole24Ore”

LUXEM projects ERC StG ULTRAIMAGE and ERC PoC HYPER highlighted in the Italian newspaper “Il Sole24Ore”. In the article appeared on Wednesday 20th December 2023, on “Il Sole24Ore”, Prof. Mancini explains relevance and breakthrough impact of the 2 ERC projects @LUXEM. ERC StG ULTRAIMAGE aims to unravel the rapid processes occurring in functional nanomaterials relevant to optoelectronics, photovoltaics, and biomedical devices, when hit by short light pulses. ERC PoC HYPER expands the innovative technology for ultrafast microscopy across length scales, implemented within ULTRAIMAGE, and makes it accessible to the public.

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Professor Mancini invited speaker at EMLEM23 (CY)

Professor Giulia Fulvia Mancini presented recent findings on “Charge, lattice and spin interplay in the ultrafast response of photoexcited spinel Co304” as invited speaker at NanoGe International Conference on Emerging Light Emitting Materials (EMLEM23).

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KMLabs and LUXEM collaboration in HHG imaging

Delighted to have hosted Dr. Liam Weiner from KMLabs at LUXEM, an excellent opportunity to develop and improve new ideas with our R&I collaborators.


LUXEM key player of the COST Action CA22148 “NEXT”

The Action CA22148 NEXT: “An international network for Non-linear Extreme Ultraviolet to hard X-ray techniques” is awarded funded by COST – European Cooperation in Science & Technology. This international consortium is aimed to create the first concerted experimental and theoretical effort aimed at implementing EUV/X-ray non-linear spectroscopy at tabletop HHG and XFEL sources. Prof. Mancini was elected Vice-Chair of this Action.

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LUXEM stand “Lasers, diffraction & images” at the European Researchers Night 2023

Scientific dissemination event organized by INFN at the Castello Visconteo in Pavia, it fostered communication with the public, encouraging discovery, discussions, and experiments. A fantastic way to promote and involve young people in the world of research!


AXIS Photonique Inc. visit at LUXEM

Dr. Christian-Y. Côté visits LUXEM to exchange ideas with the LUXEM Team in the framework of the ERC-StG ULTRAIMAGE and PoC HYPER projects.


Invited Talk at Attochem 2023

Prof. Mancini presents “Multi-purpose Ultrafast Microscopy with a Compact High-Harmonic Source” at the 4th AttoChem Annual Meeting.

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Invited Talk at ISWAMP 2023

Prof. Mancini presents “Multi-purpose Ultrafast Microscopy with a Compact High-Harmonic Source” at the 7th International Symposium on Intense Field, Short Wavelength Atomic and Molecular Processes.

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PRIN grant Awarded to LUXEM

Joint project DynaMAT “Ultrafast dynamics in next generation sustainable martials” between LUXEM (UNIPV) and Femtoscopy (La Sapienza) received funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research


ERC Proof of Concept grant awarded to LUXEM

Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini project HYPER received funding from the European Research Council to expand impact and purpose of the ERC StG project ULTRAIMAGE.


Advanced Course on Soft-Skills

The Doctoral School in Physics at UNIPV organized a professional development course on soft-skills, aimed to strengthen the PhD candidates in physics capabilities in CV and motivation letter drafting, scientific articles & grant writing. Lecturers: Giulia Fulvia Mancini and Giacomo Prando.


Successful beamtime at EXFEL FXE – LUXEM Team

LUXEM Team work for Beamtime 3279: “Mapping the excitation-specific electron, spin and lattice dynamics in Spinel Co3O4 thin film with femtosecond non-resonant emission spectroscopy and diffraction” at FXE, European Free Electron Laser in Hamburg.


European XFEL Science Seminar

Professor Giulia Fulvia Mancini is invited to present the talk “Mapping the multi-centre ultrafast response in photoexcited Spinel Co3O4” at the European Free-Electron laser.


Dr. Oliviero cannelli wins the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship

Dr. Cannelli MSCA project METRICS is awarded funding from the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 Action. This fellowship fosters cross-disciplinary high-impact research through a collaborative project across CFEL-ATTO group (Germany), FERMI (Italy) and Class 5 (Germany). The work will focus on the development and application of advanced X-ray spectroscopic techniques for the study of molecular clusters in metalloproteins. Congratulations Oliviero!

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Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini elected member of the User Organization Executive Committee of EXFEL

Prof. Giulia Fulvia Mancini has been elected member of the User Organization Executive Committee of the European Free Electron Laser (EXFEL). The purpose of the Committee is to provide an organized framework for discussion between users and the EXFEL board, in particular to provide feedback to management in order to improve conditions for users running experiments and to help broaden the user community. The Executive Board of the European XFEL User Organization is composed of 6 members, with one representative from each of the EXFEL tool user communities (FXE, SPB/SFX, MID, HED, SCS and SQS) and serves for a term of 3 years.

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